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Toast Lab Co-hosted a Forum with Renowned Researchers

Posted:   July 21, 2024

Status:   Completed

Tags :   News

Categories :   General

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On July 21st, a number of renowned researchers visited Toast Lab and six of them gave talks in the forum on the Latest Architectures, Systems, and Storage for Intelligent Computing. The information of these talks is as follows.

Speakers Title Affiliation
Professor Chengtao Wu (吴晨涛) Research on Failure Prediction Methods for Large Scale Storage Devices Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学)
Professor Yiming Zhang (张一鸣) Efficient Virtualized Storage Xiamen University (厦门大学)
Professor Youyou Lu (陆游游) SuperFS: A File System for High-Performance Hardware Tsinghua University (清华大学)
Professor Wen Xia (夏文) Light-Dedup: A Light-weight Inline Deduplication Framework for Non-Volatile Memory File Systems Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (哈尔滨工业大学, 深圳)
Professor Jieming Yin (尹捷明) Designing Chiplet-based Heterogeneous Systems Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (南京邮电大学)
Professor Jie Zhang (张杰) Progress in Near-Data Processing Peking University (北京大学)

At the start of the forum, Professor Jingyi Yu (虞晶怡), the Vice Provost of ShanghaiTech University and the Executive Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) at ShanghaiTech, made the opening remarks. He introduced the recent promising research achievements accomplished by SIST members at ShanghaiTech, and particularly encouraged researchers and students to always pursue the high taste of research. Professor Weili Han (韩伟力), the President of CCF Shanghai and the Vice Dean of the School of Software Engineering at Fudan University (复旦大学), then welcomed all participants to Shanghai, ShanghaiTech, and the forum. He emphasized that CCF is an active community for all computer scientists and expressed confidence that together, CCF would grow stronger and better.

This forum is part of the Annual ShanghaiTech Symposium on Information Science and Technology (ASSIST 2024) hosted by SIST, ShanghaiTech Univerity. The forum is jointly supported by the China Computer Federation (CCF), CCF Shanghai, the Shanghai Computer Society, and ShanghaiTech University. Professor Liang Shi (石亮) of East China Normal University (华东师范大学), Professor Haoxian Chen, and Professor Chundong Wang are co-chairs of the forum. Other researchers and practitioners who participated in the forum include Mr. Yan Ding (丁炎, Vice President of CCF Shanghai), Professor Pingqiang Zhou (周平强, Vice Dean of SIST, ShanghaiTech), Professor Qiao Li (李乔) and Professor Congming Gao (高聪明) (Xiamen University, 厦门大学), Professor Shiyi Li (李诗逸) (Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, 哈尔滨工业大学, 深圳), Professor Jingzhu He (何静竹, ShanghaiTech), and many more. Numerous students interested in the design of computer systems attended the forum and greatly benefited from the experience.