Recently Toast Labmates have received a few honors for their achievements in 2023. Mr Jiang Qisheng is awarded the National Scholarship (Master's program) (国家奖学金,硕士生). An associate member of Toast Lab, Mr Chen Guangke(陈光科) is awarded the National Scholarship (PhD program)(国家奖学金,博士生). Both of them have research papers accepted or published in top venues.
Qisheng and Guangke are also recipients of Excellent Student (三好学生). Ms Xu Qing, Mr Chen Meng, and Mr Jia Lei are awarded the honors of Outstanding Student (优秀学生).
Chundong is awarded the honor of Excellent Mentor (优秀书院导师) of Shangdao College, ShanghaiTech (上海科技大学上道书院) and Outstanding Faculty Member (优秀教师) of SIST, ShanghaiTech (updated on 31 Jan 2024).
At the end of 2023, we wish everyone a joyous new year full of health, happiness, and success.